Jake Lai
hello@jakelai.me | LinkedIn | National University of Singapore
- naivebayes.pdf
- Presentation on naïve Bayes classification for BA2203 Statistical Modelling.
- ureca.pdf
- AY2022/23 undergraduate research project titled Compositional Structures in Approximation Theory and Deep Learning.
- dirichletthm.pdf (WIP)
- Write-up on Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions based on Stein & Shakarchi, Fourier Analysis.
- diagnostician.pdf
- A list of questions to help students better understand their mathematical interests.
- gtnfquiz.pdf
- Biweekly quiz questions and solutions for reading course MH4920 Galois Theory & Number Fields.
- gtnfpres.pdf
- Presentation slides on the Artin–Schreier theorem and Dirichlet's unit theorem, for reading course MH4920 Galois Theory & Number Fields.
- atishmwk.pdf (Coming soon!)
- Weekly homework exercises and solutions for reading course MH4921 Algebraic Topology & Introduction to Sheaves.
- atisquiz.pdf (Coming soon!)
- Weekly quiz questions and solutions for reading course MH4921 Algebraic Topology & Introduction to Sheaves.
- atispres.pdf (WIP)
- Presentation slides on sheaf cohomology, Serre duality, and the Riemann–Roch theorem for Riemann surfaces, for reading course MH4921 Algebraic Topology & Introduction to Sheaves.
- dglpnotes.pdf
- Presentation notes for a learning project introducing systolic geometry, proving Loewner's torus inequality against the backdrop of concepts from MH4601 Differential Geometry.
- (Mini-seminars held for friends. E.g., intro to representation theory, intro to Galois theory, intro to algebraic topology, calculus on manifolds. Coming soon!)